Sunday, March 15, 2009

Post Wedding Bliss...

Walt Disney World

Walt Disney World

Janet's College Graduation

Universal Studios

Attending a friend's wedding reception


Picture at the Beach

Bear Lake



Mike's Sister's Wedding

Carribean Cruise


Utah at Grandpa's birthday party

Holding our friend's baby for the first time (our son's best bud)

Caribbean Cruise

After we were married and life settled down we enjoyed our time together after we both got home from work and school.

We had fun hanging out with friends and family and enjoyed each others company at home or going out to dinner or a movie.

As you can see from the pictures, we were able to go on a few vacations here and there. We enjoyed a trip to Florida to Walt Disney World with some close friends. We also went on a cruise to the western Caribbean with a group of friends and then enjoyed another cruise to the Caribbean with family which included cave tubing.

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