Sunday, March 15, 2009

How It all Began...

Mike and I met each other when we were both attending college. We had a lot of the same friends. We hung out as a group but never dated each other. It wasn't until the day we planned with everyone to go to Magic Mountain that everyone else had things to do and it ended up being just the two of us.

We had a blast together at Magic Mountain. From there we started dating until Mike was called 3 months later to serve a mission for two years in South America. We wrote every week for two years. We each have a box filled with letters that we had written to each other.

Mike returned home from his mission and we were engaged two weeks later.

1 comment:

  1. Are you still looking for a child? It seems you don't write anymore. My daughter is pregnant and expecting any time. I want her to see your profile. She is having a girl.
