Monday, March 16, 2009

Our Journey with Jed...

There are so many pictures of Jed that I couldn't possibly fit them all in here. We have had such an amazing experience as parents. Our life has changed and has been uplifted because we have a child in our life.

From the day he came home with us, Jed has been an absolute joy. We feel that he has made our life so much more complete and especially entertaining to say the least. We have our moments, but all in all life is wonderful!

Jed holding one of our most recent foster babies. She was only 2 days old when she came to our home. Jed was so excited to hold her and become a big foster brother.

Jed and Mike at Jed's Kindergarten award assembly at school

Janet getting her beautiful mug from Jed for Christmas

Jed and his cousin Cody

Jed training to become a Jedi

Jed giving a "two thumbs up" for his grandpas

Jed with his new Razor scooter that he got for his birthday

Jed with our friend's dog

Jed giving a "thumbs up" to his new legos he got from Grandpa

Disneyland with Jed

Family Picture
May 2008

Mike and Jed at Sea World with his cousins

Mike and Jed riding bikes

Hanging out at the house

Christmas 2006

At the Beach

Family Picture at the Beach


Court Date
The day Jed officially became ours

Mike and Jed at the Beach

Mommy and Jed

Family Picture

Thanksgiving 2004

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